A Special Message from the Honorary Secretary

Greeting to you all members of SGGS,

This year is an election year and we are facing a pivotal moment in our Society’s leadership transition, on 25 April, 2024 @ 8:30-11:30am at SUPP Hq, Jln Ong Kee Hui, Kuching.

Dear members, choosing committed and capable leaders is indeed crucial for the sustainability and prosperity of our Society, especially during this uncertain times. As the current Hon. Secretary, my concerns would be sure valid, I invested in ensuring the smooth transition of leadership and the selection of capable individuals for new office lineups, to steer the organization forward. I expect clear communication about the qualities and commitments from members for choosing potential candidates who can help ensure a successful years of growth and stability !

I mention again, we are hoping for a successful election and a year of growth and stability for our Society. The Nomination Form will be made available for free w.e.f 8 April & Closing on 18 April 24 noon. Wishing you all the best in this pivotal moment of our society.

From Hon. Sec.,
Joseph Phang JF

各位SGGS 成员们,在这里我致以诚挚的问候,祝愿大家平安 !

今年是选举年,选举将会落在 2024 年 4 月25日早上于古晋黄其辉路,人联党大会堂举行,那时侯我们将会面临协会领导层换届的关键时刻。选举表格将会在四月8日发放,将会在18日中午收回。



我们一定要让 协会在他们任期间的有效负责带动下实现稳定和提高增长。祝大家在这关键的时刻努力加油为协会做出贡献 !

Joseph Phang JF